What to Do When Getting Started on Twitter?

Twitter is one of the best and most well-known social media platforms in the market. Millions of people log in to the platform on a daily basis to look at the latest news regarding their interests and follow the activities of their favorite personalities. The platform excels in sharing information using short, bite-sized written texts called tweets, but users can also upload visual content such as memes and short videos to their profile, which has started to gain more appreciation from the users.

Many people that are new to Twitter would be looking at ways to increase their following and become more known in the market. For this reason, they may use auto-following software or other methods to initiate quick growth in their account. However, such practices should be done with caution since there is a chance you may get your profile banned from the platform, as you may trigger the terms of the platform. For instance, you may exceed the Twitter following limit of 400 followers that can be followed in a day.

Here are the things that can help you focus on the basic stuff if you are new to Twitter.

Use a suitable username

The username that you use has a lot of significance since people will associate you directly with your username. It is better to use a username that is related to your activities and not a random selection of words that makes no sense to the audience.

Bio description

Your bio should be creative and should be effective in explaining your activities to people. It is very important to have an engaging bio since it is the first thing that the users will see when visiting your profile. Having a bio will give an excellent first impression and will encourage the people to know more about your activities and may end up following you. It is also important to incorporate relevant keywords into the description as it will enhance the searchability of your account.

Upload a suitable profile picture

If your account activities are based around your business, it would be more suitable to add your company’s logo as your Twitter accounts profile picture. This will make the audience instantly understand the purpose of your account and the content they will find in it.

Research hashtags

Before you post your first tweet, it is necessary to incorporate a relevant set of hashtags which are related to your activities and will reach out to the correct audience. Try to look at other accounts that post similar content and see what hashtags they usually use in their tweets. This is very important as using the wrong hashtags will make your tweet perform effectively. This will lower your engagements and will give a poor reflection of your activities in the market.

Try to focus your attention on setting up your account properly before you start tweeting on the platform. This will give your profile an identity that will be recognized by the audience and will encourage more like-minded people to follow you on Twitter.