Birthstone Rings

Often, a birthstone ring is a woman’s first piece of jewelry, marking their popularity as newborn gifts or in the years that follow to signify each passing year. There are any number of excellent birthstone rings that will make you, your friend’s, or your lover’s heart melt.

Birthstones By Month

It’s first important to understand each birthstone and for which month it is given. Below is a list of birthstones and each month they represent.

January Birthstone – Garnet

Garnet is most often a beautiful red color, however many examples of rarer finds include bright green.

February Birthstone- Amethyst

Amethyst is a deep but bright purple color, and looks excellent when set in a gold ring.

March Birthstone – Aquamarine

Imagine a beautifully cut diamond laced with light blue color and what you see is essentially aquamarine.

April Birthstone – Diamonds

The April babies sure got a winner here. Next to the most rare opals, diamonds are one of the most desired and expensive birthstones and gems.

May Birthstone – Emerald

Emeralds are beautiful, shiny, green gems that look great set in white gold or silver.

June Birthstone – Pearl

Not often found on a ring, pearls look great against both gold and silver.

July Birthstone – Red Ruby

The red ruby is a very deep and dark red, and is often much brighter and shinier than January’s garnet.

August Birthstone – Peridot

Peridot is perhaps the most unique of all the birthstones with a beautiful yellow-green color …

Blue Chalcedony Earrings

Blue chalcedony is a popular gemstone with today’s jewelry designers. Chalcedony is a type of quartz known as microcrystalline, which means the crystals are undetectable unless looked at under a strong magnifier. It is common for chalcedony to be sold only as a one color stone, while other gems that fall into this category are given other names like agate and jasper. There are many different types of jewelry that this type of crystal can be made into, including blue chalcedony earrings. These earrings are ideal for anyone because the stunning shade of blue goes with anything.

The color of blue chalcedony ranges from light to medium. Some stones are more translucent than others. Sometimes this type of crystal has a pink or gray tint. Occasionally a chalcedony stone will have adularescence, which is a clouding commonly seen with moonstone. It is caused by the interference of light due to miniscule inclusions. This cloudiness does not mar the beauty of the stone, in fact it enhances it as it seems to float from within. Another thing you should know about the blue chalcedony stone is that it is often named based on where it hails from. The color can also be affected by the place of origin.

For example, Nevada and California offer Mt. Airy and Mohave Blue stones. These have a moderate gray tint and range from light to medium blue. The African country of Namibia also produces this stone, which is known as African Blue. This type …

Blue Sapphire Stones

There is something about the color blue that makes it the most favored color in the world. Psychologists say that there is something calming about the color as it reminds us of the sky on a clear day or the crystal clear depths of the ocean. Without knowing anything about blue sapphire stones from a gemologist’s point of view, they are among the most popular stones simply because of their color. However, in terms of a gemstone, sapphires are second only to diamonds in their hardness, coming in at 9 on the Mohs scale which makes them durable and easy to care for, and of course quite valuable.

What Exactly Is a Blue Sapphire?

The ‘funny’ thing about a blue sapphire is that you could say it is the same stone as a ruby only it is blue and not red! Both are gemstones of the corundum family of minerals but a blue sapphire gets its color from both titanium and iron impurities being present in the crystal while rubies derive their vivid red color from chromium. A sapphire then is any member of the corundum family that is colored anything but ruby red, and blue sapphire stones are not only the most beautiful, they are the most valuable. Going a step further, cornflower blue from gems mined in Kashmir is actually the most valuable of all the blues. Sapphires are only found in a few locations around the world, the most notable being Kashmir (India), Burma, Australia, Thailand, …

Gold Tiffany Bracelets

Tiffany is a very popular jewelry provider that has been in business for over 160 years. To this day, it is still one of the most popular and desirable brands of jewelry in the world. With their large selection of high quality jewelry comes high price tags as well though. Anyone that buys Tiffany jewelry as a gift for someone will have to be shopping for a special piece that will really stay with that person forever.

There are many different types of jewelry offered under the Tiffany brand name. Some of the popular pieces include necklaces, rings, and bracelets. There are already many different pieces of the first two available to choose from. Tiffany bracelets have a bit smaller of a selection though, so they would be more interesting to look into.

Why Buy a Gold Tiffany Bracelet?

Tiffany established an amazing name in the jewelry industry because of their lengthy selection of very high quality pieces of jewelry. The quality of their pieces was very rarely matched by any other brands. With the incredible amount of popularity, Tiffany has also become the victim of many illegitimate distributors that sell fake, knock off jewelry pieces that use the Tiffany name.

Gold Tiffany bracelets should be your first choice when deciding on a brand name of gold bracelets to buy. This is, of course, if you can afford the higher prices of this brand of jewelry. The main reason that you should buy a gold Tiffany bracelet …

Antique Diamond Rings

Diamond rings can be found in women’s jewelry collections in history going back hundreds of years. There is a very good reason that we frequently hear the slogans “diamonds are forever” and “diamonds are a girl’s best friend”. These rings have survived popularity over the ages.

The better quality .

Many people today feel that the antique diamond rings are of much better quality than the ones that are produced today. This makes them a coveted piece of jewelry for many women today. Some consumers are looking for that one of a kind setting that can only be found in the antique or classic settings of diamond rings. For others these rings are made attractive by the stories that are attached to them. Some people feel that there is something to be said for a diamond ring that has stood the test of time and a long term romantic engagement or marriage already. For others that are superstitious, they may feel that the rings can bring them good luck.

The several different options.

For those who want to purchase antique diamond rings there are several different options that are available to them. Some people purchase an antique diamond ring setting and then find a diamond that they are happy with through a diamond wholesaler or jeweler. They can then have the diamond set in the antique setting for that one of a kind ring that many people are looking for.

Others have a diamond or a setting that has been …

Emerald Cut Diamond Rings

When choosing a diamond engagement ring, there are a variety of factors to consider. You may have heard about the four C’s — color, clarity, carat, and cut. Each of these factors contributes to the unique beauty of each finished diamond. Here we will be discussing cut, emerald cut to be exact. This cut is rectangle-shaped with gently slanted corners. Made to showcase the clarity of a diamond, emerald cut features rectangular step-cut facets. When shopping for emerald cut diamond rings, it is a good idea to know more about the ratio of length to width. On average, a ratio of 1.35 is ideal for achieving a classic, sophisticated look.

As previously mentioned, the emerald cut is best reserved for diamonds with excellent clarity. Because of the way this shape is cut, it highlights even small imperfections in the stone. Clarity is a word used in the gemstone world to describe blemishes and interior imperfections called inclusions. Inclusion might be a crack in the stone or even fragments of a totally different stone. Occasionally you can see diamond imperfections with the naked eye, although usually, a jeweler must examine the stone under 10 times magnification to grade the clarity. One thing to note about clarity inclusions is that small one that doesn’t affect the appearance of the diamond can be useful in verifying authenticity or even identifying the diamond if it is ever lost or stolen.

Emerald cut diamond rings

They are popular with the rich and famous because …

natural gemstone

Natural Gemstones

Shopping for natural gemstones can sometimes be very tricky, as often, prices can seem to vary vastly on products that look nearly identical. For this reason, many people are often ripped off when buying Natural Gemstones. If you want to find out what’s good and what’s not, and also where to safely purchase natural gemstones from, you’ve come to the right place.

Advertisers can often fluff out the terminology for natural gemstones. At the end of the day they come straight from the ground, and although they will have been cut and polished, they will not have been altered in any others ways. Advertisers may try and use words such as natural, genuine, synthetic, simulated, treated amongst others to try and make out that their gemstones are superior to the rest, alongside them trying to justify the high price they are charging. Not to say everyone who advertises natural gemstones is trying to trick you, just a word of warning to look out for.

If you are looking to buy natural gemstones, always check whether it has been enhanced or not. Once a gem has been enhanced, a company can no longer label is as natural. To sum it up quickly, a perfect natural gemstone with no imperfections straight from the ground would be worth millions, as they are extraordinarily rare. Companies will enhance their gemstones to the same standards as the non-enhanced stones, but simply because they are not naturally perfect, they are worth nothing compared to what the …

Antique Engagement Ring

Antique Aquamarine Engagement Rings

Choosing a unique and classy engagement ring can make the proposal moment even more amazing. Every woman is expecting to see a diamond engagement ring because it has been so common. You could purchase an elegant diamond ring, but they tend to be very expensive and the appeal of them goes away quickly because diamonds are repetitive and overused.

You should propose with an antique engagement ring if you want to get an amazing reaction. Also, avoiding diamond engagement rings should be obvious. You should look into the other types of gemstones that would make for a great choice when used with an engagement ring. One amazing choice would be the aquamarine gemstone, which looks beautiful when used with engagement rings.

Why Choose an Aquamarine Engagement Ring?

First off, aquamarine is the birthstone for the month of March. So, if your future fiancé were born in the month of March, then it would be a great choice just based on that alone. If you are making the proposal during the month of March, or plan on having the wedding during the month of March, then an aquamarine engagement would be very symbolic and meaningful for that reason.

Other than the fact that aquamarine is the birthstone for the month of March, it is also a beautiful gemstone in general. It is a unique color that really breathes life into any engagement ring. It is a very appealing stone to use in an engagement ring and it is not dull …

Amethyst Jewelry

Amethyst Jewelry

Amethyst is a gemstone that is used in various types of jewelry. The actual word Amethyst is derived from the Greek word amethystos, which has a literal translation of “remedy against drunkenness”. Amethysts, and all gemstone for that matter, are graded in the exact same way as diamonds. They are graded by their color, clarity, cut and carat weight. Amethysts are known as a variety of crystallized quartz, and are a member of the Quartz family, or to give them their scientific name, silicon dioxide. You will typically find that the crystal structure of an Amethyst is hexagonal.

Amethyst jewelry comes in a wide variety of natural shades and colors. These include purple, bluish-purple and reddish-purple. However, with that said, amethysts in their purest form are actually colorless. An amethyst will produce color due to the absorption of certain wavelengths of light. The color will consist of three separate components which are the hue, which is the initial impression of color. The tone, which is the term given for the lightness or darkness of color and the saturation, which measures the intensity of an Amethyst’s color.

The amethyst is also known as a birthstone for the month of February. It covers the zodiac sign for Aquarius which is known as the water bearer. Amethyst is also a wedding anniversary gemstone that is typically presented for the fourth and sixth year of married life. The amethyst as a birthstone also has certain properties that are associated with the zodiac …